The BBC reports on the Millennium Dome's insolvency here. This doesn't really tell us anything we didn't already suspect - or know. But the comment of Mike O'Connor, the head of the Millennium Commission at the time - "We always felt like we were dancing on the edge of doom" - seems weirdly appropriate to the parlous times that the Government currently finds itself in.
With the Great Bottler presiding over disaster after disaster (N.Rock, datagate, donorgate, &c) - most, if not all, of their own making - and white elephant after white elephant (ID cards, the NHS super-computer, ContactPoint, &c) leeching funds from the public purse, Ministers (and the Great Bottler himself) could perhaps be forgiven for approaching their cornflakes every morning with a certain unease. As I say, they must feel, in their heart of hearts, some semblance of this sentiment, that politically/electorally/financially/&c their administration really is "dancing on the edge of doom".
Update: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Guido seems to be with his post today, "Government of All the Clowns". He quotes left-winger, John McDonnell MP:
- “I think we’re in a mess. I think people are demoralised. I think Labour party members can’t understand how we’ve got in this mess. I think Gordon has shown, to be frank with you, ineptitude on a number of issues and so have some of the people around him.."
If that's not a "dancing on the edge of doom" sentiment, I'm not sure what is!
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